Leg Lengthening Surgery with PRECICE

The PRECICE internal lengthening process, like external fixation, works on the principle of bone regeneration. However, new technology makes bone lengthening with a telescopic device inside the bone’s marrow cavity possible, eliminating the need for an external fixation apparatus.
The PRECICE Intramedullary Limb Lengthening System is a novel adjustable state-of-the-art device.
The key to the NuVasive® platform technology is the magnetic interaction between the PRECICE intramedullary (IM) device and remote control.
The proprietary technology includes a complex internal gear system remotely activated and controlled by permanent magnets. This advancement in limb lengthening allows for a precision controlled distraction phase with the ability to non-invasively customize treatment.
The External Remote Control (ERC) is a portable, handheld unit that precisely lengthens or shortens the IM device through the touch of a button. The ERC is fully customizable to each patient based on their distraction needs. The ERC is designed to be used in a clinic setting or the comfort of the patient’s home.
Reach Your Height® with PRECICE
- 7 minutes a day
- 1 inch a month
- Improved accuracy1
- Fewer complications1
- Faster healing1
- Less pain2
- Earlier ability to bear full weight without aids1
- No pin-site infections1
- Improved patient satisfaction2
1. Laubscher M, Mitchell C, Timms A, et al. Outcomes following femoral lengthening: An initial comparison of the PRECICE intramedullary lengthening nail and the LRS external fixator monorail system. Bone Joint J 2016;98-B:1382–8.
2. Landge V, Shabtai L, Gesheff M, et al. Patient satisfaction after limb lengthening with internal and external devices. J Surg Orthop Adv 2015;24(2):174-9.